Highlights in this issue

'It'll be alright on the night...'
Amanda Ward , Assistant Curator, Far Eastern Collection, Tsui Gallery Project Co-ordinator
A complete list of objects for installation in the new gallery was submitted in January 1989 as the departmental bid for conservation work until after the gallery opening in 1991

The conservation of a rare metal head of Buddha for the Tsui Gallery
John Larson, Head of Sculpture Section, Conservation Department
Casting of the Metal Buddha Head had taken place in the 7th or 8th century , and this placed it firmly in the Tang Dynasty

The conservation of Oriental lacquer
Stephen Sheasby, Furniture Student on the RCA/V&A Conservation Course
The opening of the new Tsui Gallery of Chinese Art offered an opportunity to carry out conservation treatment on the many fine examples of oriental lacquer which the V& A possesses

Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan
Lynda Hillyer, Head of Textiles Section, Conservation Department
A retrospective exhibition of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright was held in Japan during the first seven months of this year which was seen in four Japanese cities
October 1991 Issue 01
- Editorial Comment - Conservation Journal 1
- 'It'll be alright on the night...'
- The conservation of a rare metal head of Buddha for the Tsui Gallery
- The conservation of Oriental lacquer
- UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy: what is it & what does it do?
- Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan
- A review of evaluation of cellulose ethers for conservation
- Not quite come of age