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Conservation department group photograph, 1993

Conservation Department group photograph, 1993

Conservation Department group photograph, 1993 (click image for larger version)

Key to Photograph (from front row, left to right):

1 Vicky Oakley, 2 Richard Cook, 3 Diana Heath, 4 Agnes Holden, 5 John Kitchin, 6 Jonathan Ashley-Smith, 7 John Wagstaff, 8, Jim Murrell, 9 Adrian Pasotti, 10 Alan Cummings, 11 Graham Martin, 12 Juanita Navarro, 13 Rachel Holder, 14 Fi Jordan,15 Nigel Blades, 16 Helen Jones, 17 Lynette Crowhurst, 18 Marion Kite, 19 John Bomhoft, 20 Meretta Winness, 21 Megan Gent, 22 Joanna Whalley, 23 Alison Richmond, 24 Samantha Whitney, 25 Nicki Edwards Smith, 26 Audrey Hill, 27 Josephine Darrah, 28 Marie-Therese Weech, 29 Gill Owens, 30 Alan Derbyshire, 31 Charlotte Hubbard, 32 Sarah Boulter, 33 Drew Anderson, 34 Jane Rutherston, 35 Enio Panetta, 36 Erica Grohmann, 37 Val Blyth, 38 Kenneth Turner, 39 Dottie Rogers, 40 Susannah Edmunds,41 David Ford, 42 Lea Jones, 43 Albertina Cogram, 44 Annette Low, 45 Albert Neher, 46 Ian Shaw, 47 Barry Dan by, 48 BSrries Brakebusch, 49 Danny Norman, 50 Nick Umney, 51 Alexandra Kosinova, 52 Stephen Sheasby, 53 Shanti Majee, 54 Sarah White, 55 Derek Balfour

Conservation Department group photograph, 1993

Conservation Department group photograph, 1993 (click image for larger version)

Those absent:
Anne Amos, Carol Barker, Lorna Barnes, Victoria Button, Jane Davies, Vivienne Farmer, Nicola Gentle, Janet Gilburt, Malcolm Green, Lynda Hillyer, Merryl Huxtable, Kathy Jenkins, Phillippa Mapes, Elizabeth Martin, Shan McNeilage, Tim Miller, Jenny Potter, Boris Pretzel, Jacqui Rees, Jason Ryan, Mark Sandiford, Lucia Scalisi, Maya Schwery, Helen Shenton, Pauline Webber, Peter Young

Photograph by Paul Robins, V&A Photographic Studio