Highlights in this issue

Too big for his boots - Relocation of the Wellington Monument model
Charlotte Hubbard, Head of Sculpture Conservation
The British Galleries project has provided us all with an interesting range of objects, some with complex problems and/or construction. One of the most extreme examples of this was the model for the monument to the first Duke of Wellington, by Alfred Stevens.

Conservation or restoration? Treatment of an 18th century clock
Christopher Powell, Clock Restorer Sophy Wills , Metalwork Conservator
This clock (M.1108-1926) made by William Carpenter in the late 18th century, has four moving elements and was to be filmed in action for an 'Object in Focus' video. An initial visual check revealed that the clock was dirty and dusty, with patchy and sometimes heavy corrosion products over most of the copper alloy and gilt copper elements, and some losses to the painted elements.

The British Galleries project from a paintings conservation perspective
Nicola Costaras, Head of Paintings Conservation
The first task was to survey the condition of the 120 paintings and all the painted furniture. In all, more than 500 paintings and painted objects were surveyed.

Ephemeral or permanent? Illuminating the Bullerswood carpet
Boris Pretzel, Materials Scientist
The Bullerswood carpet was designed by William Morris and woven by Morris & Co, Hammersmith, London, in about 1889. It has only rarely been displayed and is still virtually unfaded. Due to the size of the carpet, it will be displayed vertically in the British Galleries.
Autumn 2001 Issue 39
- Editorial
- A concise approach: Managing information for the British Galleries Conservation Programme
- Reverse painting on glass in the British Galleries
- Book display in the British Galleries
- Too big for his boots - Relocation of the Wellington Monument model
- Overview of the gilded objects treated for the British Galleries
- East meets West: The Althorp Triad
- A gun-shield from the armoury of Henry VIII: Decorative oddity or important discovery?
- Conservation or restoration? Treatment of an 18th century clock
- The British Galleries project from a paintings conservation perspective
- Chinese wallpapers in the British Galleries
- Censer: Making Sense of an Object
- Ephemeral or permanent? Illuminating the Bullerswood carpet
- Conservation of a crewelwork bed curtain
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