Digital Content Delivery Manager at the V&A. Information scientist at work and hacky maker of strange things out of it.
If we told you that your favourite possession was vulgar, what would you do? And if we said it was a luxury object would you do something different? This post shows what we found...
This graphic is a good reminder us that we should all keep reviewing our data, not just collect it. Back in 2013, we published this post about quick wins for optimising...
In this post we show how you can capture useful data that shows how your visitors are using features that are unique to your site. This is something that you can’t get...
In February 2015, I participated in an ideas workshop organised by the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA). This explored how their famous Gallery One experience had resonated with...
When you work with external creative partners and developers, how do you get all the new stuff to work with the existing tech? Collaboration has to be key and so, we’re...
There is a lot written about digital technologies and how they might help visitors engage within museums. However, this is often very focussed solely on technical aspects and...
V&A Director Martin Roth, recently interviewed, spoke passionately about the power of being in the presence of real objects in museums. What is better than physically being...
Apps or web? Is data the friend of users or creepy intrusion? Does project envy lead to closed thinking or can we learn from others? These are just a few of the museum...
What happens when you gather a load of enthusiastic people together for two intense days of best-practise experience mashed up with hands-on digital service design workshops, out...
This post reviews research we have been doing recently, into how we can improve the experience for mobile users in the museum when they first make contact with Wi-Fi. Over the...
Museums and the Web Baltimore was as thought-provoking and inspiring as ever. With the day-job specifics turned off, it is truly invigorating to open up the mind in the company of...
This post refers to a previous iteration of the V&A digital map. You can read about our latest work on the map or go straight to the map to explore. – In September 2013,...
Culture in Numbers was the first event by Leeds Data Mill, an ambitious new collective organisation looking to gather and utilise data about the whole of Leeds. Here’s a...
What are the challenges and possibilities raised by mobile? Now that more than half UK adults have smartphones, and with tablet use doubling in a year, cultural services need to...
A list of useful research reports about technological and social factors affecting how consumer mobile devices affect museum service design. Most have published in mid to late...
In October 2013, we overhauled the Visitor Information pages to make them easier to use on a mobile phone. With as many as 30% of all web visits including the visit information...
The purpose of navigation is to help visitors to our websites find their way round them, but how do we know how useful this navigation really is to them? To understand this, we...
London’s first Maker Faire was a really inspiring weekend. On Saturday 6 July 2013 , makers gathered at the London College of Communication to show off their creations and...
Some brief reviews of sessions from this year’s fantastic Museumnext. As ever it’s not possible to attend them all (sadly), nor do them all justice, but here is a...
Review of themes from sessions and conversations at Museums and the Web 2013. With links, V&A presentation and activity sheet on tactics for digital museum...
Reflections from people using 3D for real in museums. They are from two great pre-conferenceworkshops at Museums and the Web 2013 in Portland.As it stands right now there are a...
Report from Bits 2 Blogs, Newcastle, 19 March 2013,organised by Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums - the 'annual event for anyone working in the North East cultural heritage...
On 12 March 2013, it was our turn to host the latest Online Manager's Forum, an informal gathering of people working in London museums and other cultural organisations, which...
In November we were participating at the annual Museum Computer Network conference(MCN), this year held in Seattle. The MCN conference is a great learning experience. You...
UK Museums on the Web is a great opportunity for people in the museum sector to network and bring ideas together about the web and related digital. This year it was at the...
We have been at theannual Museum Computer Network (MCN) conferencethis week, which celebrates its 40th year in 2012. This is a great mix of different tech people working in the...
Responsive design - making a website display in an optimal way for the user's hardware - is something that had been on our radar for quite some time. After all, nobody enjoys...