It is very difficult to buy good quality Chinese xuan paper and mounting silk in the UK. So whilst here in Nanjing I am off on a shopping expedition. Xuan paper is sold by...
Part of the reason for going to Nanjing was to learn how to take an ink rubbing. Luckily Master Yu, my teacher, is also able to show me the technique. ‘It is easy’, he...
Arrived in Nanjing via the bullet train and am staying in the Confucius Temple area with a river view. This sounds all very idyllic until you realize that the Chinese tourist...
I am Shanghai where I am staying with a local family in order to improve my Mandarin before I go and spend a month at the scroll mounting conservation studio in Nanjing Museum....
As a bonus we were able to spend a day at Jang Ji Bang (Jang’s Paper Room) where Jang Youn Hoon showed us the whole process of making paper from the mulberry fibres grown...
Arrived in foggy Seoul but at least the temperature is more comfortable than Hong Kong. Straight to Kwang -Young Chun’s house where we contrasted the method of dying paper...
Well here we are in Hong Kong and am now feeling as if I am in a sauna. The weather is steamy to say the least, due to the latest typhoon expected to arrive...
Well the Chinese visa has been obtained, eventually, and all flights/accommodation booked. I am off on Friday 19th September. So, who am I? I am Susan Catcher, Senior Paper...