Back again for part two of ‘Our Favourite Things’ from the exhibition’s (now complete) installation. Today we feature:
Deepshikha Kalsi, Textile Conservator
Favourite object: Embroidered hunting coat
“It’s sheer magic in thread! It has such a painterly quality, like it’s been painted in detail by a master miniature artist and then embroidered with single thread in the most aesthetic and pleasing colours! The flora and fauna are so alive, the bees! The fireflies! The rabbits! The deer! The lions! The tigers! The ducks! The ripples in the pond! The swaying flowers! The shrubs! Can actually go on and on… it’s actually one of the wonders of the textile world!”
Manuela Scheurer, Textile Conservator
Favourite object: Mirrorwork Dress
“I’ve always liked objects with mirrors on them. I don’t know why especially, but I think they’re really pretty. I like this one because they took traditional methods and made something new and modern. I would probably wear this.”
Shiya Zhuo, Textile Conservation Student
Favourite object: Group of indigo-dyed objects
“Indigo – a very reserved colour. The deep blue sets the pieces apart in the simplest manner. Love the minimal composed appearances!”
Scott Daniels, Momart Technician
Favourite object: Prosthor Pokshi by Ajit Das
“It reminds me of Ben Nicholson and Barbara Hepworth, the modernist painters and sculptor. And the texture of the stones – I like how the artist achieved that.”
Stuart Brunton, Momart Technician
Favourite object: People Tree T-Shirt
“I like it because it’s modern but it sits well among all the traditional objects. And I like the random use of precision.”
Sor Lan Tan, Project Manger
Favourite object: Bollywood costume
“The sequins are very elegant – its detailing is beautiful. The whole thing is elegant and beautiful. Alaister [her son, pictured with her] saw this and said he wants to do fashion.”
Stephen Warrington, Technician
Favourite object: Embroidered shawl
“It’s my favourite because of the goats.”
Hi I am an Indian blogger based in New Delhi and would like to cover Fabric of India exhibition on my website. Would also like to partner with individual textile conservators for one of the things we do on reviving the dying Indian crafts.