It’s time once again to update our ‘Treasures’ package from the rich variety of material within the special collections of the NAL. This package is one which you could view with your school, college or university group if you were to make a group booking with us. The NAL houses a wide variety of special collections, spanning from medieval illuminated manuscripts to 20th/21st century examples of book art and graphic novels.
We try to select material which demonstrates the inspirational history of the Library as an educational resource for those studying art and design: originally the Library was a functional library for students studying the applied arts at the Government School of Art and Design, founded in 1837. In 1857, the Library moved into the newly established South Kensington Museum within the present buildings of the V&A and soon afterwards opened its doors to the general public. The scope and depth of the collections changed from this point onwards to serve the interests of the public at large. Collecting broadened to feature documentary materials relating also to the fine arts and a wider variety of material was acquired for the special collections.
In 1902 William Reid, a wealthy linen manufacturer and collector, loaned his collection of illuminated manuscripts to the Museum for an exhibition. The collection comprised 83 codices, mostly late medieval book of hours. He was so impressed with the Museum’s facilities that he bequeathed his complete collection to the Library. The first item we look at in our group visits ‘Treasures’ package is a very small book of hours from Reid’s collection. This is a lovely example of a personalised commission – evident through the inclusion of the name of the first owner, Agostino, in the text and the personalised inclusion of the final prayers to Raphael and Sebastian.
[Between 1470 and 1480].
NAL manuscript no.: MSL/1923/164 ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Of course our collections can demonstrate a wealth of information about the history of the Museum itself. The importance of the 1851 Great Exhibition in the establishment of the Museum’s collections is well documented in other posts and on the V&A’s website itself. Within the Library we house a collection of medals relating to the Great Exhibition. Here is an example of the council medal that was presented to 170 of the exhibitors by the Council of Chairmen of the Juries. This Council had been set up by the Royal Commissioners. The prestigious award was accompanied by a certificate signed by Prince Albert, featuring detailed engravings of the medal design.
Great Britain Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
1 medal: bronze ; 9 cm. (diameter).
NAL barcode: 38041800799165 ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Giegher, Mattia.
In Padoua: per Paolo Frambotto, MDCXXXIX [1639].
NAL pressmark: 86.U.23 ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
German binding, ca. 1500.
Buckskin; blind tooling; embroidered figure of Christ crucified; metal mounts; 2 large leather buckles with animals’ heads; original title written on a strip of vellum.
NAL pressmark: Drawer 105 ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Paris: Librairie central des beaus-arts, 1912-1925. This issue 1921.
NAL pressmark: SZ.0314 ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
We’ve looked at just a few of the highlights of material you would be able to explore with us during a 45 minute group session. A huge variety of special collections material can be requested also simply by using your individual library reader pass. It is well worth taking a look at descriptions dedicated to specific collections within the library as a starting point to what might most inspire you, or complement your present studies.