This Christmas the V&A Family Art Fun team ran a series of events to celebrate the season.
From Monday 28 – Thursday 31 December, three times a day as part of Pop-up Performance, families met the Sugar Plum Fairy, a gingerbread soldier, the Mouse King and Clara and discovered the enchanting world of Christmas Crackers, a contemporary dance performance by Dance Art Foundation inspired by The Nutcracker ballet. Choreographed by Dance Art Foundation Associate Artist Florence Peake, this unique and sensory piece was performed by Susanna Recchia and Andrew Graham in the Museum’s amazing lecture theatre and was enjoyed by families of all ages.
“Really good quality entertainment.”
“Brilliant use of dance in a public space with a famous soundtrack that all ages can enjoy!”
Families after attending performances.
Pop-up Performance Image © V&A
After the New Year we also held dance workshops three times a day in the unique Tapestries gallery. Working with Dance Art Foundation, these inspiring intergenerational workshops were devised and led by Dance Art Foundation Associate Artist Louise Klarnett with support from Michaela Uhl and Abby Page.
“Fantastic workshop – well designed, beautifully inclusive.”
“Something magical happens / so simple yet transcendent. Alice 7 says ‘happy’”
Families after Pop-up Performance workshop
At the Imagination Station families could also create their own seasonal decorations and add them to our Christmas tree. This making activity was designed by the V&A family team with illustrator Isobel Manning.
“Thanks so much for your courtesy and help – it was really good fun to spot ‘nature’ in the museum.” Family after Imagination Station activity.
Back-Packs and trails were also available from the main entrance and from the Learning Centre on level 3.
To find out more about the family art fun programme sign up for our Families enewsletter and visit Family Art Fun. View the calendar of events and find out how to get here.
Imagination Station Image © V&A