3D scanning is essentially taking a multitude of photos around an object, recording reality in a slightly reduced form. The direct visible result of a scan has a certain aesthetic appeal but can’t quite be compared to what you would achieve with a regular camera. The benefits of a 3D scan actually lie below the surface, in the collection of an object’s architecture. Capturing this data yields a fresh canvas with endless possibilities that we are currently exploring to the fullest.

Open data is extremely exciting as it allows us to treat the objects we scan as just the beginning of an unexpected journey. Below is a selection of scans and corresponding frames of four sculptures that are now open for experimenting. 1. Narcissus. Museum number: 7560-1861

2. Monument to Emily Georgiana, Lady Winchilsea. Museum number: A.188-1969

3. Crouching Youth. Museum number: A.12-1981

4. The Crouching Venus. Museum number: A.5-2012