Surely not! After all this time, countless cups of damn good joe and plates of cherry pie, it’s happening again…
David Lynch and Mark Frost‘s cult series set in the sleepy town of Twin Peaks, a place where “…a yellow light means slow down, not go faster”, is set for a return in 2016, a whole 25 years after the original series aired. The show stretched genres, ranging from horror and thriller to kitsch teen romance and surreal comedy, and visually, it collected influences from Americana, Native American art, fifties rock and roll and the contemporary styles of the nineties.
If Lynch and Frost are looking for any further inspiration for the new series, then what better place to start than the V&A’s galleries and archives?
Here are a few things from the collections that look right at home in Twin Peaks. If you would like to add in your own choices, take a look through our catalogue and let us know in the comments!

Any more suggestions? Let us know in the comments below…