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A photograph taken during the daytime at Glastonbury Festival. The camera faces up towards a blue sky with dozens of colourful flags flying in the wind. The tops of two big top tents are visible, and beyond them are trees.

Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts 2003

Glastonbury 2003 raised over £1 million for Oxfam, Greenpeace, WaterAid and local charities. The late Joe Strummer was recognized with a memorial stone in what would become Strummerville.


  • 81*

* Catalogued so far.



  • Glastonbury Festival 2003 poster. Line up REM, Radiohead, Moby. Red background. Spike and flower dark blue border with yellow square.
    Glastonbury Festival 2003 poster. Line up REM, Radiohead, Moby. Red background. Spike and flower dark blue border with yellow square.