Online Performance Workshop: The Nonsense Museum

Join us for a Silly Saturday - our new online performance event, with theatre maker, Luke Saydon.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • V&A South Kensington

    Cromwell Road
    London, SW7 2RL

  • Online

  • Families

  • Tickets cost £6.00

    Booking is essential.

Past Event
Online Performance Workshop: The Nonsense Museum photo

Take a Wonderland view of some V&A objects, with the Mad Hatter, in this interactive comedy workshop. This is the Nonsense Museum. Event times: 11.00, 14.00 and 16.00. Duration: 60 minutes. 11.00 event recommended for 5-7 year olds, 14.00 and 16.00 for 7-12 year olds. If your family group spans both, please book the time that suits you. You will need to book one ticket per child for the first two children per household. All adults and any more children within that household attend for free.

Inspired by Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition.

Adults without children will not be admitted to the session.
This event will take place through Zoom.
For this workshop you will be:

- Expected to stay with your child online.
- Confirm your booking email upon entering the session
- Given a short list of materials to gather from your home in advance.

After you have booked you will receive a booking confirmation email with details about what to prepare. A day before the event you will receive an event invitation. On the day of the event, you will get a reminder email with the event link. Do not share the ZOOM link as this is a ticketed event per household.

The Nonsense Museum is a playful and musical workshop. You will meet the Mad Hatter who will encourage you to sing and dance with him and to bring characters from 'Alice in Wonderland' to life. The Hatter is looking for the Cheshire cat and other creatures from Wonderland in the museum. He will need your help to find them. You will create your own Wonderland creatures using everyday items from home. You will also meet Queen Victoria and design a Jabberwocky creature for her.