Artists paintbrushes with a polkadot background and a glow around the image

How well do you know these famous female artists?

Whether you’re interested in the impact women have had on the art world or you’re just big on art history, let’s put your knowledge to the test. In this quiz, we explore the works of some of the most influential female artists over the last century.

Question 1 out of 10:

How did Frida Kahlo become interested in art?

Frida Kahlo self portrait painting
Question 2 out of 10:

Where has Yayoi Kusama, known for her polka dots and repeating patterns, been living since 1977?

Yayoi Kusama exhibition
Question 3 out of 10:

What did Lee Krasner say was the most important aspect of her artwork?

Lee Krasner mural painting
Question 4 out of 10:

How did Georgia O’Keeffe create her intricate paintings of flowers?

Georgia O’Keeffe flower painting
Question 5 out of 10:

Serbian artist Marina Abramović refers to herself as the grandmother of… what?

Marina Abramović self portrait photograph
Question 6 out of 10:

Judy Chicago’s masterpiece, The Dinner Party, includes 39 place settings that are dedicated to what?

Judy Chicago's 'The Dinner Party' installation
Question 7 out of 10:

Barbara Kruger’s art, famous for its bold, political text, often criticises what?

Barbara Kruger's 'Empatía' installation
Question 8 out of 10:

What did Louise Bourgeois name her most famous sculpture, featuring a series of giant steel spiders?

Louise Bourgeois's spider sculpture
Question 9 out of 10:

Kara Walker’s most famous work, A Subtlety, includes giant sphinxes made from what?

Kara Walker's 'A Subtlety' sculpture
Question 10 out of 10:

What did Tracey Emin create in 1999, that later sold for over £2.5m in 2014?

Tracey Emin

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