Pair of Barbie doll legs with black shoes with a green halo effect against a pink dotted background

Weird Barbie at the V&A: What would she wear?

Weird Barbie has her own unique style and love of individuality. But how would Weird Barbie react if she visited the V&A? What outfits would she want to play dress-up with? We’ve pulled some out especially for her to try on – she’s going to love them!

Willy Wonka costume

A photograph of the Willy Wonka costume at V&A and a photo spliced in of Weird Barbie lying on the floor looking at it

Now this would be an epic worlds of imagination mash-up! Weird Barbie would totally dig Willy Wonka’s plum velvet waistcoat and tophat, not to mention, those bottle green trousers. Imagine the fun she’d have swinging that cane and tapping in those shoes, shouting “Hi Barbie” to everyone?

‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’ costume

Photograph of the costume from Everybody's talking about jamie which is a jean jacket suit spliced next to a photograph of Weird Barbie from the movie Barbie looking at it

We think Weird Barbie would hard relate to this outfit. Designed for the musical ‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’, a musical about overcoming prejudice and bullying to be the person you want to be, this costume would be a perfect choice for her to try on. Which do you think she’d love more, the red shoes or the shoulder tassels?!

Just a quick random question – you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.

Hey there! Do you mind telling us how old you are?

Group of friends holding hands

6-10 years old 12%

11-13 years old 22%

14-17 years old 25%

18+ years old 41%

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‘SIX’ costume

A photograph of the gold costume from SIX the musical spliced next to a photograph of Weird Barbie

Does it get more fabulous than this? Just watch your head, Weird Barbie! This glitzy, gold get-up was designed for the musical SIX, a modern retelling of the six wives of Henry VIII. The costume is based on outfits worn by singers Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez. Weird Barbie would have to be careful making any sudden movements with those sharp angles!

Rock and Pop Costume

Photograph of Elton John's rainbow metallic costume from Rock and Pop next to a photograph of Weird Barbie

Weird Barbie would totally vibe with Elton John’s wardrobe! This metallic rainbow dream would have her doing backflips for a chance to wear – let’s just hope nobody is standing behind her with those four inch platform boots on. Ouch!