Technology Taster Day
Hack, make and code your way through the museum with our cutting-edge videogame specialists
Drop in for a day of practical workshops, talks and digital demos across the museum. Makers, coders, researchers and creative game experts will be on hand as you explore the latest advances in digital technology, whatever your age or skill level. Try out playful programming activities, experiment with hardware and discover adaptive controllers and software. More information below:
Minecraft Gaming Space
Specialists from Dundee-based award-winning game developers 4J Studios will host a Minecraft gaming space in the Juniper Auditorium. Pick up an adaptive controller and discover how this innovative hardware can make gaming more accessible. EyeMine gamer Becky Tyler will also demo how you can play Minecraft using just your eyes!
Accessible Gaming
Drop in to our Designer in Residence Studio to hear about how Enable Gaming are using their vision of a fully accessible gaming community to make gaming possible for as many people as possible across the UK and pushing manufacturers, developers and retailers into thinking about a more inclusive community of gamers.
From old school gaming to VR
Press Start Gaming Scotland will showcase a variety of videogames consoles and games from across the decades in the Robertson Trust Studio. Experience how interactive virtual reality software can aid design with the team from Showcase VR as they demo the endless possibilities of the Google Tilt Brush.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Learn about how researchers from the University of Dundee AAC Research Group, a world leader in developing intelligent technologies in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, are designing new solutions to enhance interaction for individuals with communication impairments. In the Weston Studio get involved with Eyegaze technology creative painting activities and use switch access to generate speech and interact with a computer without using your hands!
Micro:bit for Kids
Visit the Picnic Room to experiment with micro:bit coding activities with programming specialist Kerry Kidd and play with a variety of fun, interactive toys and resources.
This free event features a range of activities suitable for different ages and all are welcome.