Plastic Lab Talk: Meet the Makers - Still Life

Discover contemporary designers making furniture made from plastic waste.

Drop in to meet Aaron and Will, founders of Glasgow based design workshop Still Life. Together they make furniture and objects from recycled plastic and locally sourced Scottish hardwood. To do this, they built their own plastic recycling machines using open source designs from the Precious Plastic movement.

From idea to final product, come along to hear about Still Life's processes and techniques - starting with plastic collection, sorting, design, melting and then finishing as well as timber selection, lathing, efficient use of wood and natural finishing treatments. You'll be able to see the moulds used during the melting and shaping of the plastic, alongside prototypes and examples from the different stages of making.

Aaron and Will will be joined by Camillo Feuchter, a Dundee based furniture maker and spatial designer, currently studying Interior & Enviromental Design at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. Passionate about craftsmanship and exploring sustainable design and recycled materials through making, Camilo will be exploring Still Life’s and his own approaches to design in a short Q+A. Camillo’s recent work can be seen in local coffee shop EH9 Espresso on Dundee’s Perth Road and Still Life’s work can be found in our shop.

To find out more check out Still Life’s website

Plastic Lab invites you to explore the promise and problem of plastic. Housing Precious Plastic recycling machines and hosting a dynamic programme of events, this free interactive space encourages visitors of all ages to learn, question, challenge, and act on some of the most important issues relating to plastic today. From board games to plastic sorting stations and pop-up talks, drop in and explore some of the free things you can see, do, and get involved in.

Plastic: Remaking Our World is the first exhibition co-produced by V&A Dundee, Vitra Design Museum, and maat, Lisbon with curators from V&A South Kensington.


13.00 - 14.00

Location Plastic Lab


This event is drop-in


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