
Posted by:
Dr. Valentina Risdonne

I am currently the Conservation Scientist at the Victoria and Albert Museum. I obtained a B.Sc. (University of Perugia) in 2010 and M.Sc. (University of Parma) in 2016 in Sciences for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. I was awarded a AHRC CDP PhD at Northumbria University and Victoria and Albert Museum, investigating the materials and methods for making nineteenth-century plaster casts. I worked as a research assistant at Historic Royal Palaces on the Rubens ceiling paintings at Whitehall in 2019. In 2021, I worked as post-doc researcher at The University of Glasgow on the PISTACHIO and IMPASTOW projects. I am a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. I am the Community Engagement Officer for the ICON Heritage Science Group. ORCID: 0000-0002-0063-4156