Victoria and Albert Museum
Cromwell Road
Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 2502

Press images, photography and filming
Downloading press images
High resolution images of V&A exhibitions and activities are available to download for editorial use by registered users. Please go to to register or log in to the site.
For all other types of image use, please contact
Exhibition press ticket requests
For press ticket requests, please contact in advance
Filming and photography for commercial and press use
The V&A welcomes all types of pre-booked commercial and press filming and photography, including feature films, television dramas, documentaries, interviews and photographic shoots. Filming and photography requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the proposed date by completing the application form below. All commercial and press filming and photography within the Museum must be supervised by a trained member of V&A staff.
For questions about current or future V&A exhibitions or events, please contact the V&A Press Office on +44 (0)20 7942 2502.
For all commercial filming or photography requests within the V&A, please contact