We are currently working to relocate all our archive collections. Access is not available until 2025 when we will be opening the new V&A East Storehouse in Stratford’s Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Separate arrangements are being made for access to the V&A Archive, which houses the historical records of the Museum, at V&A South Kensington.

Archive of Art & Design
The Archive of Art & Design holds the personal and professional papers of British-based artists, designers, photographers and other practitioners in the applied arts. It also houses the records of businesses and associations involved in art, design, manufacturing and retail.

Theatre & Performance Archives
The Theatre & Performance Archives are the national collection documenting current practice and the history of the performing arts across the UK. The collection includes archives from notable theatre companies and other organisations as well as individuals such as performers, designers, directors and private collectors.

V&A Archive
The V&A Archive houses the historical records of the V&A. These include information about the acquisition and provenance of the Museum's several million objects; its relations with major donors, collectors and lenders; its collecting policies and development; and the architectural history of the South Kensington site.

Young V&A Archive
Young V&A at Bethnal Green, London (formerly the V&A Museum of Childhood) includes a major collection of archives that capture and record childhood creativity, play and design. It also preserves papers documenting the history of childhood, schooling and play, donated to the Museum by both researchers and private individuals.

V&A Wedgwood Collection Archive
The archives of the V&A Wedgwood Collection have been described by UNESCO as "one of the most complete ceramic manufacturing archives in existence", but the records held go far beyond business and manufacturing.