Conservation and costume mounting work on the soon-to-be-open display of Club to Catwalk: Fashion from the 1980s is coming to fruition. Objects and mannequins are making their way from the textile conservation studio to the temporary display space, in the centre of the Fashion and Textile Galleries (Gallery 40).
Conservation work and costume mounting began more than a year ago and finishing touches are being added to the display.
During the object installation period and once the build has been completed, mannequins with costume are moved into the gallery space, placed in position and fixed to the case floor. Labels are printed and fixed in place. This may sound straightforward but can take a long time, especially when you consider there are over 80 mounted costumes to fix in position! Finishing adjustments are made by conservators, costume mounting specialists, curators and technicians to create the final look of the exhibition. The lighting team will start their work next week in close collaboration with the conservators to ensure that the objects are not exposed to high light levels which may cause degradation.
Club to Catwalk opens on 10 July 2013 until 16 February 2014.
Costume Display Specialist Keira Miller adjusts shoes on the mannequin. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Mannequin arms have been resprayed and are stored in the gallery space until the conservators can fix them to the correct mannequin. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Spot the conservator! Jo Hackett, Senior Textile Conservator dresses a mannequin in the case. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Technician Kirsty McKay measures the position of a mannequin in the case ready for fixing to the case floor. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Take a look at Assistant Curator Kate Bethune’s blog for more information about Club to Catwalk: Fashion from the 1980s.