This week we begin construction in London! There are a number of approaches that we are taking with building the seven structures. In some cases, the buildings are being constructed off-site, and abroad, by the architects – and then re-assembled at the V&A; with others, the buildings are being entirely constructed at the V&A (either by the architects, or by building contractors) – and there are some structures being built off-site by contractors, and then re-assembled at the V&A by those same contractors…pheeew! Confusing, I know. ‘Spiral Booths’, the structure designed by Vazio S/A, falls into this last category (along with the structures by Terunobu Fujimori and Sou Fujimoto). MDM Props, based in South London, are the building contractors responsible for these three structures, and this week was the first official start to all the London-based construction. Here are some photos of ‘Spiral Booths’ in various states of dress/undress…(but first – a quick reminder of the original concept model to remind you what the structure is supposed to look like by mid-June!)
Vazio S/A – Spiral Booths off-site construction
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