One of the best resources at the V&A is the National Art Library, a major public reference library for the fine and decorative arts. The library collections are also spread across the Museum’s departments and I am fortunate to have access to a wealth of relevant texts in the Ceramics Section Library relating to the Blue and White display.

Many books, exhibition catalogues and journals on the subject of printed ceramics have been published by study societies whose members have a specialist interest in a particular period of production, factory or artist. Their events and websites are also invaluable resources, for example this is a great online exhibition by the Transferware Collectors Club about American patriotic ceramics and their print sources.

In a few weeks I will get to meet some of these curators, dealers and collectors at Northern Ceramic Society Summer School, thanks to a generous bursary from the society. This year the topic is particularly relevant to the V&A display – ‘The Curious Art’; printing on ceramics from c1750 to the present day.
So I better get on and finish my reading!
Hi Rebecca. We appreciate your including a link to the Transferware Collectors Club website and to the Patriotic America on-line exhibition. We’ll be posting a link to your new blog on our website. I don’t see a link from your site to enable one to receive automatic email notifications of new blog postings. Or have I missed it?
Hi David,
Thanks for the feedback.
There is an RSS feed via this link
Hope this helps.