In a recent interview for BBC Radio 4’s programme, The Design Dimension, co-curator Catherine Flood discussed an exciting development from Disobedient Objects. Since our exhibition has been open, the team has received anecdotal evidence of social and political movements deploying our How-To Guides around the world.
Amongst our How-To Guide users are people protesting in Ferguson, a struggle sparked by the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a police officer in Missouri.
You can learn more about our guides and their deployment in Ferguson by clicking on the clip below, and the full radio programme can also be heard via this link. Additionally, an article featuring co-curator Gavin Grindon and the global deployment of DIY Tear Gas Masks can be accessed via this link.
Pictured below, our How-To Guides can be collected at the exhibition’s exit, or downloaded via this link to our website.
