Refugee Week 2019: 'You, me, and those who came before'
In collaboration with Counterpoints Arts
Join us within The Globe for a multi-media experience at timed intervals throughout the day.
Salusbury World is a truly unique and visionary school-based refugee charity in north-west London, which over the past 20 years has supported refugee children and their families. The charity has embarked on the co-production of an artistic installation, in response to the collation of an oral history archive, which records the stories of 20 of the first children and parents to come through the centre, to mark its 20th anniversary in 2019.
The stories focus on memories of homeland, agile adaptations to exile, exploring resilience and celebrating transnational culture in the UK. The installation and performative events interpret the narratives through objects, sound, visuals, lighting, performance, which come together to create a visceral audience experience.
This exhibition is co-curated by Nina Emett of FotoDocument, Edoardo Buttinelli and other students and academics from London College of Communication, University of the Arts London.
Free, limited capacity. First come first served. At 30 minute intervals throughout the day.
Refugee Week 2019: 'You, me, and those who came before'
In collaboration with Counterpoints Arts