Stories from Home at Young V&A

Join us in The Stage to discover, create and share stories together.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Young V&A

    Cambridge Heath Road
    Bethnal Green, London, E2 9PA

  • The Stage, The Town Square

  • Families

  • Free event

Drop-in workshops throughout the day will invite you to work as families and friends to discover stories inspired by Young V&A's collection and your own memories.

The workshops will include screenings of Stories from Home films made by children, retelling stories from their grandparents' childhoods.

Participants will be invited to explore objects from our handling collection, to learn about new stories from their adults.

Stories from Home is an intergenerational storytelling initiative that aims to raise awareness of heritage language use within London's communities.

Stories from Home is a collaboration between Mile End Community Project, QMUL Language Acquisition Lab, Blooming Parenting and Human Stories.