Images, Artists and AI – evening event with The New Real

As AI systems become ever more sophisticated, what does this mean for images and the art that surrounds them? How have artists navigated this new terrain, and what is photography after AI?

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • V&A South Kensington

    Cromwell Road
    London, SW7 2RL

  • Room 99, The Digital Gallery, V&A Photography Centre

  • Free event

Join us in the Photography Centre for an evening event about images, artists and AI. Delve deep into how images and image-making have been impacted by recent advances in machine learning, and hear from artists who have long engaged with the creative potential of AI. Explore how generative imagery has evolved – and the ethical questions it raises – to learn about how art and creativity can help to radically change how we understand AI.

This event is organised in partnership with The New Real, a unique hub for AI, creativity and futures research, to celebrate the re-launch of its magazine The New Real Editions. The New Real supports projects that explore how AI impacts on life at a profound level, often interacting with us in fascinating and unanticipated ways, and how emerging technology can become a creative, playful and deeply impactful part of everyday living.

The event will feature short presentations followed by a panel discussion. Speakers include artists Liliana Farber, Juan Covelli and Caroline Sinders, alongside Drew Hemment from the Alan Turing Institute.

Image Credit: Liliana Farber, Untitled from the series ‘Isolarii’, 2021

Header image: Liliana Farber, Untitled from the series ‘Isolarii’, 2021