Under Anton Kusters’ blue skies lies a traumatic past. Between 2012 and 2017, Kusters travelled to the last known location of every Nazi concentration or extermination camp, most of which are today unmarked. Every time he turned his lens towards the sky, each of his 1078 photographs stamped with the number of victims at that site and its GPS coordinates highlights the vast scale of the genocide conducted by the Nazi regime.
An audiovisual piece by Ruben Samama runs alongside the images, tracking the death-toll and counting down the seconds in real-time from the closure of the last camp in 1945 to the opening of the first in 1933.
An ‘in-conversation’ between Anton Kusters and Ruben Samama will begin at 18:30. This is a drop-in event and booking is not required.
The Blue Skies Project is on display in the Photography Centre, Room 96, until 18 May 2025.