Meet the Designer

Watch live weaving demonstrations from Christabel Balfour in The Shed

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Young V&A

    Cambridge Heath Road
    Bethnal Green, London, E2 9PA

  • The Shed, Design Gallery

  • Families, Under 26, Schools

    Schools and Families 7-14

  • Free event

Meet our 'Designer in the Shed' East London based weaver Christabel Balfour. This is a rare opportunity to meet a designer in their studio ask questions and see live demonstrations. 
Christabel will be spending four weeks in the Shed setting up a large loom and weaving a tapestry inspired by collection objects. Please note that The Shed will be open for the last Show and Tell with Christabel on Thursday 20 June 11.00 - 13.00.