Meet the Designer in the Shed

Take a look into Clara Chu's Design studio and explore her design process.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Young V&A

    Cambridge Heath Road
    Bethnal Green, London, E2 9PA

  • The Shed, Design Gallery

  • Families, Under 26

  • Free event

Meet our very first designer in ‘The Shed’, explore Clara Chu's fashion accessories, her design process and unique approach to materials. Follow Clara's work in progress taking a peek behind the scenes of a busy design studio.

‘The Shed’ will be open to the public for drop-in show & tell with demonstrations on a Saturday 14.00-16.00 or catch her in Open Studio on Thursday afternoons 15.30-17.00.

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Header image: Clara Chu in the Shed. Jasprit Singh 2023