Painting in Miniature, Pastel and Watercolour at the Royal Academy, 1768-1810

This display marks the 250th anniversary of the Royal Academy of Arts.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • Saturday, 1 December 2018 – Sunday, 28 April 2019

  • Gallery 88a & 90

  • Free event

Painting in Miniature, Pastel and Watercolour at the Royal Academy, 1768-1810 photo

This display explores the shifting status of miniatures, pastels and watercolours between 1768 and 1810. See works by early Royal Academicians such as Richard Cosway, John Russell and J.M.W. Turner and others artists such as Thomas Girtin.
The display coincides with the 250th anniversary of the Royal Academy of Arts, London, founded in December 1768.

Image: Rievaulx Abbey by Thomas Girtin. 1798. Probably exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1798