Chance and Control: Art in the Age of Computers

Join curators, artists and scholars to discuss aspects of chance and control in the history of digital art

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
Past Event

Join curators, artists and scholars to discuss aspects of chance and control in the history of digital art. From the 1960s to the present, artists, scientists and programmers have used computers to create prints, drawings, paintings, photographs and digital artworks. Speakers include Douglas Dodds, curator of the V&A’s Chance and Control display; Jasia Reichardt, curator of the ground-breaking Cybernetic Serendipity exhibition held at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in 1968; Frieder Nake, the pioneering artist whose work featured in the ICA show; Aaron Marcus, who worked at Bell Labs in the 1960s; and Charlie Gere, author of Digital Culture.

This conference is linked to Chance and Control, a V&A display that celebrates 50 years and more of computer-generated art.

Header image: Many (E.173-2008) by Herbert Brün