Family Festival: Build!

Build, make, move and explore in this free family-friendly festival inspired by the Tropical Modernism exhibition.

+44 (0)20 7942 2000
  • V&A South Kensington

    Cromwell Road
    London, SW7 2RL

  • Throughout the Museum

  • Families, Early years

  • Free event

Family Festival: Build!  photo
Celebrate the vibrant spirit of the Tropical Modernism exhibition, architecture and illustration. Dive into a day filled with immersive workshops, hands-on activities, and captivating performances. All families are invited to take part in a diverse array of creative experiences that foster kindness, community, and spark ideas for new worlds! 

Build community! 
Build worlds! 
Build confidence! 

Some highlights include:
Blue Print: Museum Dreaming workshop with Rachel Sale 
Inflatable Installation: Plant Life by Air Giants 
Cut, Stick, Build and Play workshop with Shepherd Manyika 
Abstract Painting with Wendy's World 
Radio Workshops and Live broadcasting with Radio Platfform 
Poetry workshop and family tour with Shagufta K Iqbal 
Choogh Choogh performance by Beeja 

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