The Future Starts Here
100 projects shaping the world of tomorrow
100 projects shaping the world of tomorrow
From smart appliances to satellites, artificial intelligence to internet culture, this exhibition brought together more than 100 objects as a landscape of possibilities for the near future.
This exhibition is now closed at V&A South Kensington
This show is stimulating, inspiring, exciting and challenging

The Volkswagen Group is a proud partner of The Future Starts Here at the V&A. In aiming to become a world-leading provider of sustainable mobility and driver of digital transformation, we know that innovation needs inspiration. The arts and culture are integral elements of a vibrant society and generate perspectives for its continual development. Therefore we support the arts in unfolding their power to inspire creativity worldwide.
Exhibition highlights
Anthropocene spike, a golden spike driven into a rockface to mark the beginning of the Anthropocene geological era. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Superflex, Aura-powered bodysuits, Yves Behar. Courtesy of Superflex
Aerocene Explorer, launch at White Sands Natural Park, 2015, Tomás Saraceno. Courtesy the artist; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa; Tanya Bonakdar, New York; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen, Esther Schipper, Berlin. © Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015
Technology in Bed, Hanif Shoaei, 2014. Courtesy of Hanif Shoaei
Body Code Animation, Drew Berry, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. © E.O.Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
Protei, autonomous sailing ship that cleans up oil spills, Scoutbots LTD, Cesar Jung-Harada, 2014
Radical Love, DNA portrait of Chelsea Manning, Heather Dewey Hagborg, 2015. Courtesy of Heather Dewey-Hagborg and Fridman Gallery, New York City
betamodel, Bento Labs. © Bento Bioworks
Shooting Stars project, Ale and Co Ltd, 2016. © ALE Co. Ltd
Luchtsingel, pedestrian bridge crowdfunded by citizens, ZUS, 2011 – 2015, Rotterdam. Photography: Ossip van Duivenbode. © ZUS
Living Network, dummy antenna around fake tree, Jalila Essaidi. © BioArt Laboratories
Masdar City, the world’s first carbon-neutral, zero-waste city, Foster + Partners. Photography by Eteienne Malapert, 2006. © Etienne Malapert, The city of Possibilities, Ecal
Past events

About The Future Starts Here exhibition
About The Future Starts Here exhibition
Find out more about our 2018 blockbuster exhibition

How do you feel about the future?
How do you feel about the future?
Take the survey and find out which group you belong to

Interview with DeepMind – Google's AI research lab
Interview with DeepMind – Google's AI research lab
Teaching artificially intelligent 'agents’ to play classic 1980s Atari videogames

Project focus | Adrian Lahoud: Climate Crimes
Project focus | Adrian Lahoud: Climate Crimes
Visualising the flow of aerosol emissions and its subsequent impact on rainfall in the Sahel region of Africa

Designing futures: an ethics of the possible by Arjun Appadurai
Designing futures: an ethics of the possible by Arjun Appadurai
What is the role of design in shaping peoples' futures?

Project focus | Cryonics: who wants to live forever?
Project focus | Cryonics: who wants to live forever?
Freezing human bodies to be re-awoken in the future when we have 'solved death'

Project focus | Miranda July: 'I'm The President, Baby'
Project focus | Miranda July: 'I'm The President, Baby'
Using smart curtains as storytelling devices

Project focus | Jonas Staal: New World Summit – Rojava
Project focus | Jonas Staal: New World Summit – Rojava
Developing parliaments with and for stateless states, autonomist groups, and blacklisted political organisations

Big Glass Microphone digital commission by Stamen Design
Big Glass Microphone digital commission by Stamen Design
Discover a world of fascinating detections through the Big Glass Microphone

Teachers’ resource: The Future Starts Here
The Future Starts Here
The Future Starts Here, 2018. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London